Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Michael Christeen Anthro 110

Lab#2 The Cell
Exercise #1
Cell Membrane: The cell membrane is a barrier on the outside of the cell to regulate what goes in and out of the cell.
Cilium: Are located on the outside of the cell to assist in movement.
Cytoplasm: Is a fluid inside the cell which contains water and nutrients for the cell.
Chromosomes/DNA: Are an organized structure which contains DNA and other protiens found in the cell.
Golgi: Are used for packaging and also for trasfering energy.
Lysosome: Are chemials that are used to breakdown waste.
Mitochondria: Are called the powerhouse of the cell. They breakdown food and give energy to the cell.
Nuclear Membrane: Is a barrier between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
Nuclear Pore: Are the places where the inner and outer membrane of the nuclear envolope are joined.
Nucleus: The nucleus is in charge of the cell and it also contains the chromosomes and the DNA.
Ribosomes: Are the makers of protein for the cell.
Exercise #2
The cell is considered the basic unit of life because it is the smallest unit within an organism and the building blocks of life. There are pieces of the cell that are smaller but they can not function indipendently of the cell which makes the cell the basic unit of life.

there might be love or there might be pain
but there is always joy in the pooring rain
ive tried to live and lived to die
but still some days i cry

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