Thursday, May 15, 2008

Just Kidding

This play was not only very funny but it was the first production at that the melodrama that was set in a modern setting. While I had seen many things at the melodrama and most of the time the players give a more modern feel to A Christmas Carol, it was a new experience to see them in a different light. The story itself was amazing as well because while as first it seemed farfetched that Calvin could pull the whole thing off without being caught the suspicion of the photographers being on the take it allows for the possibility that Calvin could get as far as he does. The actors also did a wonderful job being their characters they were able to really capture the heart that embodied the emotions of the events that were taking place. It was really as if I had a window into another world with a whole new set of problems and people than I experience in usual life. One of the other things that is always so amazing when I go to the melodrama is the environment which allows you to let yourself to be transported to an imaginary world where all you have to do is watch it unfold around you. But there is also some residual feelings of my childhood whenever I am there a feeling that is a little beyond explanation it is as if I can sit down with my younger self he has none of the worries or problems of this world and it lets me go back there to see and experience the world through younger eyes when things had just begun and my world was so much smaller than the one I have today. It is a comfortable feeling but only for a time because after it is over I must return to the surface of my existence and take another breath. I stretch out in the night after watching another world take place and think of my world and what it is like and why. I begin my journey of self examination again and look back on all that has changed since I traveled to this magical building in the fourth grade and can’t help but marvel at where my path has taken me and where it will continue to lead me. The power of such a place goes beyond all reason and understanding and leaves you back at the beginning of a trail that has not been completed. I have often wondered why these things run through me but I think it is just part of the memories of the melodrama.
There are so many things that make the melodrama such a mystical place but so many of them are beyond words. The sawdust on the floor, the sing along, the happy birthday and anniversary call, and the piano all these things make up part of a place that is unique to itself and lets you experience the magic of that place each time that you come back and it is with great joy and love for their art that the actors pass to the audience that really lets you get drawn into that world and let be a part of it. Other than that I don’t know what to say I can’t explain exactly what it is like to be there because although you are just watching a play if you let you are not there at all and that is the goal of any cast to let the viewer leave the world around them if only for a short while. Thank you for the experience and enjoy the time that you have.

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