Tuesday, January 30, 2007

no time to say hello goodbye im late im late im late

yes i did recently watch alice in wonderland it was pretty fun but that is not as important as what i have now decided to start bloging about Z.I.P.P. the zombie invasion preparation progress i have decided that i am going to prepare for a class four zombie invasion in which zombies would be the dominate species on the planet this preparation will also serve me well should i ever have to live in my own community that has to be founded from scrach i will be studying many thing among them sword play and sharp shooting climbing free running hiking navigating flying sailing survival tactics for all terains psychology leadership skills early childhood development tracking hunting fishing building methods and any other fields of interest that i find along the way i have started to ready my hand to hand weapons which should always be used as a last resort because of how close the zombie can get to you how you to use them and remember kids there are no great heros its not like in the movies where one man saves us all we must work as a team if we want to win this fight

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