Monday, April 1, 2013

all I wanted

  Her e we are home again there is something leftover from the night before that'd let the new day begin

Friday, March 29, 2013

Monday, March 21, 2011

LIGHT at the END

Dark and silent and complete

Monday, January 25, 2010

no where else to go

Concrete fence post footing

Could be used as a doorstop, boat anchor, cannon projectile.
Or perhaps you have a body that
just won't stay at the bottom of the Truckee River...

You will probably need two people to lift it into your vehicle.

Located in Old Southwest Reno.
It is sitting beside the driveway at 395 Mountain View Drive.

Please come and get it.
If this ad is still up, the item should still be there.

Please click on the map below to go to an interactive Google Maps web page:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

the time has come my little friends to talk of other things

A Woman's Curse?
Meredith F. Small

1 The Dagon society is very much shaped by the passing of menstrual periods and is a symbolic language that is very similar to the changing of the seasons or the tides or the moon. The identity's of the men will be changed and can even be forced to marry if the knows who was the first to lay with the woman after she had stopped visiting the huts. It also shows the controlling nature of these men that they need to keep tabs on anything that they can. A Woman's identity is very strongly established by the step in the menstrual cycle that they are at and the huts play a large part in showing when the women are potentially ready to conceive. it is also useful in determining who the father is if that is being disputed.
2 They reflect both by having a place that is occupied by certain people at certain times which are set by a biological time. And in their society they mark this important transition by having a symbolic task be preformed to show the group when they can soon mate.
3 Most of the menstrual taboo in this country comes mostly from any talking about the process and what is happening while it is taking place. Anything that has to do with bodily function has at least to be thought about before bringing it up in conversation without offending someone.
4 The thing that spoke to me through out this whole article was the level of increased health due to the lack of menstrual cycles. If the proposed method of birth control in the article is viable it would seem to me a direction worth pursuing and would hopefully give health benefits similar to the women in natural fertility society's.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

more busy work so that there can be points in college

Article 8 Life without Fathers or Husbands
By Clifford Geertz

1 The Na have figured out a very unique way to eliminate jealousy almost the people that are in the area by allowing the freedom to make love to anyone and it is not a giant ordeal and either man or woman could be the one asking the other out. While there are downfalls to this type of open sexual forum such as disease which is very prevalent in their society it does seem to be a very strong regulated system.
2 Na culture has rules that make it possible to exclude others that is true. But it is also true that the freedom of asking out members of both sexes are permitted to seek out members of the opposite sex. So even though it's different and not the same way that everyone has decided to live there still is order and balence within their culture.
3 The Na have a very different form for being intimate with each other. but there is no way of saying that one is better than the other. There is just as much abnormality in any other culture in the world. And I would characterize them as unique but they do not vary so much to say that they are not people.
4 Now it's not that I'm surprised to find that this altered style of living has eventually has been fought against. But the real thing to think about is that these people who so many deem to be incestuous or primitive have found away to take away from jealousy and increase genetic diversity within that culture witch as I find more and more out would seem to be a direction that we would want to pursue but we seem to be too stuck in our ways. Which doesn't surprise me but i wish we could change.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

dr, seuss is in my brain and escapes through my art

some pictures of my art the thing that is strange is that this man that ive never met but became very familiar due to all of the reading of his books but he is a very large piece of my expression in art which is strange to me that he could do that without ever meeting me.